Newcastle International Airport

Newcastle Airport aims to prevent any drone incursions

Newcastle International Airport





England, United Kingdom

Newcastle International Airport is the sixth largest airport in the UK and is run as a Public Private Partnership.

→ Challenge

During 2019, Newcastle Airport welcomed over 5 million passengers. With the Gatwick Airport shutdown of 2018, Newcastle Airport understood that it must advance its operations to meet one of today's most pressing airport safety and security challenges, ensuring a safe environment for aircraft and passengers alike. Newcastle Airport sought to prevent any drone incursions and ensure plans to grow its global footprint were not disrupted by unwanted airspace activity.

→ Solution

Dedrone, a CPNI-approved technology, is installed at multiple UK international airports and provides the tools Newcastle Airport needs to quickly integrate drone detection and threat mitigation into its daily operations.

→ Result

Newcastle Airport now has a clear understanding of drone activity surrounding its airfield including the average flight time, frequent times of the day when drones appear, and information to locate drones. Newcastle Airport now has the visibility to detect drones and therefore build a comprehensive set of response protocols to safeguard its passengers from this emerging threat.

Customer quotation mark

Following the Gatwick Airport shutdown in 2018, Newcastle Airport understood that unauthorised drones were an eventuality that we needed to plan for. Dedrone’s success supporting UK international airports, as well as their technology validation from CPNI, made them a natural choice to protect our operations. With Dedrone, Newcastle Airport can be alerted of any impending drone incursions, protect passengers and operations from drone-based disruptions, and continue to be the number one international gateway of choice for travellers to and from North East England.

Richard Knight, COO

Richard Knight, COO

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